School has been out for a month now. I have been writing, though not as much as I should. I have been pretty lazy actually. Though I don't think the laziness is actually what is contributing to the not writing. I have hit a section of the draft that needs a lot of filling in the gaps. And I am having a hard time getting those scenes to rise to the surface of my brain long enough to get them on paper (or computer screen, same difference). So, as an avoidance technique, I have been playing video games. Deus Ex currently, though I have jumped around from title to title quite a bit. Deus Ex is really interesting though, open world, but not so open I get lost, and enough quests to keep me going but not so many that I feel overwhelmed with the different directions that I need to go.
Anyway, what seems to work best for the writing is if I leave the house to do it. Starbucks or another coffee shop is the most comfortable place to go, because at a restaurant I always feel like I am taking up a table that they could use for someone else. Which isn't the case, because most of the time when I go it isn't the busy times of day. But getting away from the PS3 helps a lot. Unfortunately, I still have the internet with me pretty much everywhere I could go, so that doesn't help very much. Tumblr will be the death of me, I swear.
I haven't been reading either, which makes me sad. I have tons of stuff I want to read that I didn't in the last year or so because I was always in school. I have been carrying House of Leaves around with me, as well as me kindle, but I pull them out and look at them and then end up doing something on my phone for that space of empty time. Usually either Draw Something or Pocket Frogs.
Playing Deus Ex has brought into my head the desire to be a cyborg. Not a robot wrapped in human flesh like Terminator, and not some mostly mindless dude like Robocop, but a human who has computer and mechanical augmentations that increase the natural abilities. I wouldn't mind having a computer with built in wifi in my brain.
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